Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Top 10 Reasons I Will Not Follow You in Return on Twitter

the Top 10 Reasons I Will Not Follow You in Return on Twitter
1. You have no user avatar
or your user avatar is neither a personalized photograph nor reflective of a brand.

2. You list no location, no website, or no bio

3. Your “website” listed is a MySpace profile

…or, far worse, an AngelFire “page.”

4. You’re following over 1,000 users, have 20 followers, and no updates
follower-ratio…or, worse, one update that includes a shamefully ill-constructed mention of Jason Calacanis.

5. Your profile features any variation of “Internet expert”

…or “social media expert” and you have very few and/or insubstantial updates.

6. Your updates clearly indicate that your Twitter activity is always, only, about pushing your own service/product

7. Your following and my return follow result in a poorly-constructed auto-DM reading, “Thx for the follow! How can I help you get to a 4-Hour Work Week?”

8. Your most recent updates make references to any need to achieve “more Twitter followers”

…or “enough new followers to reach 10,000 followers by midnight!”

9. Your Twitter stream indicates a propensity for consistent arguing

10. You do not engage your Twitter followers

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